Welcome to my blog!
The plan was that I would be writing this first entry having arrived in Uganda in September but unfortunately luck was not on my side. I was due to fly to Entebbe on the 18th September to start my 2 year placement, but as a result of an accident whilst painting my kitchen window I ended up with a torn ligament in my knee, which went I couldn't travel as planned. At first I thought I'd be delayed by about 3-4 weeks, but unfortunately it turned out to be a bit more serious and 3 months later, after some knee surgery and numerous physio appointments I'm now finally on my way.
I'm flying to Kampala tomorrow evening - I've been waiting to get to Uganda for what seems like ages, so I'm anxious to getting going and to get stuck into my job there. I'll be working as a volunteer for Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) for the next two years. I'll be based in Masindi, which is in the North West of Uganda and will be working as an assistant manager in a small hotel. My main responsibilities are to develop the business and to train the local staff.
I'm hoping to post weekly entries on this blog ( power and internet access allowing!), so you can all keep up to date with how I'm getting on and hopefully have a look at my photos. You can leave comments to let me know what you think.
Here's to the start of a big and I'm sure challenging but hopefully hugely exciting 2 years! Watch this space!!